Nasty Berry Series
Passionate in our trade, we created the Nasty Berry Series. A new style, design and concept as we only give you the nastiest in Nasty. This new Nasty Berry Series reflected the best of us. New, fresh and unique
Fundamentally, the point of sub-ohming is because it’s fun. First up, many sub-ohmers like to focus on it when they vape to try and generate the biggest clouds they can. For them, it’s about getting their ohm levels down; below that of a single ohm – and this is the lower the resistance (ohms) you vape at the more power (wattage) you’ll be vaping at and, in turn, then means big, big clouds. On top of that, though, sub-ohming can also result in more powerful flavours and warmer vapour. Many vapers enjoy the latter because it can resemble a part of the experience of smoking they used to enjoy; as to the former, that’s down to the low-resistance cotton-wicking of sub-ohm builds.