Terms And Conditions
- Contract of Sale:
When you place an order to purchase our product from Direct 2u eCigs website , we will send you an e-mail confirming of your order and details of your order. Your order is an offer to us to purchase a product which is accepted by us Direct2uretail We will send a confirmation to you that we’ve Shipped that product to you by Email. Confirmed E-mail to have been sent do not form part of that contract. - Warranty and Returns:
We offer a 20 day guarantee on all products sold on this site. The 20 day period starts from the date you receive your order. Faulty products may be returned to us for replacement within this time. Delivery costs for returns will be met by ourselves. All customers are entitled to a return goods within 7 working days of receipt under the European Union Distance Selling Act. - Pricing and availability:
We list information for products sold by us on the website on each product page. When we are processing your order, we will inform you by e-mail if any products should be unavailable. We have the right to change our prices as market dictates - Persons under the age of 18:
Our products may not be purchased or used by any person under the age of 18 years. When you purchasing from us you must declare that you are aged over 18 years on the date on purchase. - Alteration of Service or Amendments to the Conditions:
We reserve the right to make changes to our website, policies, and these Terms and Conditions at any time. - This website or any portion of this website may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without our express written consent.
- Copyright:
All content included on the website, such as text, graphics, logos, is the property of Direct2uecigs
Direct2uretail is Registered for cross border distance sales under regulation 23 of the European Union
{Manafacture and presentation of tobacco products}Regulation 26 as amended
Registeration No 08EC2017

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