Recyclable electronic cigar (Daisy) – Xo Havana
Daisy: A light cigar flavored with fresh blueberry
Fancy a good cigar, without smoke, ash, tar or unpleasant odors for those around you? Why not try the XO Havana e-cigar?
The electronic cigar that all Cohiba lovers have been waiting for is finally available!
With very beautiful finishes (careful coating resembling a rolled up Maduro tobacco leaf, Soft-Tip faithful to traditional cigars, mouthpiece imitating the effect of incandescent ash when inhaled), the new cigar from the manufacturer Xo Havana has all the arguments to convince lovers of the bar to switch to the electronic cigar.
Recyclable electronic cigar (Daisy) – Xo Havana
The coating, very neat, has the appearance of a rolled up Maduro tobacco leaf. Automatic, the Xo electronic cigar is triggered on aspiration. With each inhalation, the mouthpiece imitates the effect of incandescent ash. Finally, the mouthpiece, patented by Xo Havana, is a Soft-Tip that will give you the feeling of holding a traditional cigar between your lips.
Quality material is good, but when it is accompanied by convincing flavors, validated by artisan cigar makers from Cuba, Honduras, Mexico or the Dominican Republic and that these have been made in France, we begin to think that perfection is not far away!
Each cigar has a capacity of 600 puffs
Let yourself be tempted by the Xo experience!
- Discover the first puff format e-cigars made by XO Havana!
Capacity of 2ml or approximately 600 puffs.
Eco-friendly: Made from 100% recycled cardboard.
Sleeve rolled and placed by hand.
Unique flavors developed in collaboration with the greatest artisans and cigar producers.
Manufacturer : Xo Havana
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